Knowledge Dissemination


The association Mare Nostrum offers interested organizations presentations on the topic of plastic waste. These lectures are free of charge and conducted personally by the board members. Rotary clubs, companies, associations, schools, or other interest groups can send their inquiries via email to our contact person, Albi Wuhrmann, RC Rheinfelden-Fricktal.

MARE NOSTRUM event notice

Currently no event planned


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Latest from Science

Vortrag Gletscherrettung

Water Scarcity at Our Doorstep

The glaciers are melting rapidly. Not only in the Alps. People are facing acute water shortages, and even in Switzerland, the days of the water castle are numbered if glacier melting cannot be halted.

One possible approach is pursued by Dr. Felix Keller of Academia Engiadina with his research on "Ice Preservation."

Here is his presentation at the Mare Nostrum General Meeting in September 2023.

Download presentation (German)

Numbers, Data, Facts: Our Selection for You


Hot Off the Press: Research Proposal on the Ghost Net Issue

Ghost nets constitute the majority of plastic pollution in the oceans.

A new study has been released that details this issue and proposes solutions.

Read more about the topic under "Projects."

Download Research Proposal

The Path of Plastic into the Ocean


In 2020, approximately 370 million tons of plastic were produced worldwide. Europeans generate up to 50 kg of plastic waste per person per year, which finds its way into the ocean through various routes.

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Out of the Water - into the Classroom


That improperly disposed plastic waste doesn't necessarily have to pollute beaches for centuries is demonstrated by a visionary product development from a traditional Basel-based company...

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The Role of Mare Nostrum


The worldwide network of Rotary is ideally positioned to address a global problem of the magnitude of plastic pollution in the world's oceans. As a Rotary Action Group, Mare Nostrum aims to contribute to addressing this issue.

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